Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Effect on Fellow Peers and Staff at Shenfield High School

'As a member of staff at Shenfield School I was very impressed at the high standard of the work created by Alice and Katie on this extremely important campaign. Anti - Racism needs to be brought to the attention of the younger students of the school, to make them realise that its not just about the colour of ones skin. I feel that this poster puts that message across very well indeed.'

Deborah McMurray

Anti-Racism Video

Watch the Video:

We found this video on Youtube and believed that it was concerning the same message in which we are fighting against. The fact it starts off with Martin Luther King's picture and his quote "I have a dream" is very important as he was a very powerful and iconic person that faught against racism and he is one of our key idols in which we are inspired by.

Also as it has 52,048 views shows us that it has been seen by many people and has created a world-wide awareness which we support and wish too keep growing!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

"Racism has existed throughout human history. It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another -- or the belief that another person is less than human -- because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes."
This is from the website; http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/racism.asp

Advertising our Campaign

This is a poster we chose to help us advertise our campaign, we put several around Shenfield High School hoping to catch the eye of our fellow peers. We feel that this poster was a good ad. as it is bold and eye catching and we felt it would draw peoples attention as it stands out. The poster was successful as a few members of staff acknowledged the poster and asked us more on our campaign. We hope to have more of an effect on the students of Shenfield High School as Racism is an important matter and we want to make an awareness.

Research and Charities

This powerpoint was shown to our A Level Citizenship Class and teacher, Miss Dyke. We produced this powerpoint to show our research and charities that are also fighting for equality. This was at the beginning stages of our campaign as we wanted to research thoroughly into racism so we could get a clear and important message across.

Our Anti-Racism Campaign and Aims

This leaflet defines what Racism is, it shows how it isn't just about skin colour but about social division into categories. Also, we have put forward our aims and how we are determind for everyone to be treated equally and fairly.

We are going to print this leaflet out and hand one out to each form in the years 7, 8 and 9. We hope to create an awareness and show how racism is wrong.